Why you shouldn’t run from the police
Being approached by police officers can be daunting, particularly if you have been identified as a suspect. Your fight-or-flight response will likely kick in, but neither fighting nor running are good options. Here are some of the main reasons why you shouldn’t run...
Why some people get arrested for DUIs on the way to or from work
The idea that someone might get arrested for a driving under the influence (DUI) offense on their way home from a party or a football game isn't a surprising one. Social events are often where people enjoy the most alcohol. Many drunk driving enforcement efforts...
How overdoses are turning into murder charges
The “War on Drugs” has been an unmitigated failure for years – but that hasn’t stopped authorities from continuing to wage it. The newest weapon in their arsenal is turning drug overdoses into murder charges. In the past, overdoses were regarded as tragic outcomes of...