Can Florida police require you to exit your vehicle? It depends
Many of our readers may recall a widely reported incident last month when Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill was stopped by Miami-Dade County police just outside the stadium on the way to his game. Hill was pulled out of his car by police, ending up face down on...
Can a DUI conviction impact someone’s child custody rights?
A DUI (driving under the influence) conviction can significantly impact various aspects of a person’s life, potentially including their child custody rights. While a DUI conviction alone does not automatically result in a loss of custody, it can play a role in...
Seeing multiple doctors seeking medication can lead to arrest
There are many ways that people can violate Florida state laws with regard to prescription drugs. Some of them are more obvious than others. It is against the law to drive while under the influence of certain substances. It is also illegal to transfer them to other...