Drug abuse has a major connection to criminal activities
Individuals who are addicted to drugs will often do things that are uncharacteristic of what they’d do if they were sober -- and that includes all kinds of criminal activity. The lure of their addiction is simply stronger than their fear of the law. Isn’t there a way...
Why you need to move quick if accused of domestic violence
If your partner accuses you of domestic violence, you might assume everyone will believe them. Statistics show that one in four women and one in nine men in the country will suffer domestic violence during their lifetime. Yet, if you look at those figures again, three...
What you need to know if you take your alcohol “to go” from a Florida restaurant
Thanks to a new law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, many Florida restaurants will be allowed to continue selling alcohol with take-home and delivered food orders. The law, which officially takes effect on July 1, extends an executive order signed by Gov. DeSantis last...
3 reasons you might face possession with intent charges
If the police catch you with a prohibited drug or a controlled substance for which you do not have a prescription, they will usually charge you with possession. However, in certain circumstances, you might face more serious criminal charges, such as possession with...
Can you bypass a DUI checkpoint?
You spot a driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoint ahead of you. You may or may not have even been drinking. Either way, you’d rather not go through a police checkpoint on the way home. Many motorists like yourself wonder if you can just turn around when you see...
If you see a DUI checkpoint, can you just turn around?
If you’re already proceeding through a DUI checkpoint, you need to follow the officers’ instructions and continue. But what if you see it ahead of your car, farther up the road, and simply decide to turn around? Can you avoid any potential legal issues by driving away...
Falsely accused of domestic violence? Two mistakes to avoid
Just because you have been accused of domestic violence does not mean you are going to prison. However, this is not to say that you should not take the accusation leveled against you seriously. Whether you are guilty or not, being accused of any criminal offense can...
Underage drinking and driving: Understanding the risks
Spring and summer breaks are fast approaching. It won't be long until college students looking to blow off some steam will begin gathering on Florida's beaches and elsewhere in our communities. While the legal drinking age in the U.S. is 21, countless underaged adults...
What are study drugs and can they lead to legal trouble?
University students have a lot of pressure on them. Finishing projects and cramming for tests takes a lot of energy and time -- both of which can be in short supply. Many turn to "study drugs" to stay awake. Unfortunately, the illicit use of study drugs can lead to...
Why do shots seem to hit harder than other kinds of alcoholic drinks?
Considering how alcohol impacts you can be a bit strange. On one hand, you have those that say they “can’t” drink a certain type of alcohol because they get too drunk, but they can drink other kinds. You also have people who argue that all alcohol is the same and it...