Criminal charges are only one danger of doing drugs
Drug addiction is a serious problem in this country. It’s not easy for people to overcome. Many people who go through rehab will relapse by turning to drugs again. Drug abuse can also lead people to partake in criminal activities that they wouldn’t have otherwise. ...
Can you drive a company car if you need an IID? It depends
If you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) here in Florida, the only way you may be able to drive legally for some time is if you have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in your vehicle(s). As you likely know, this is a Breathalyzer-type tool...
Were you really impaired just because you had drugs in your system?
When someone is arrested on allegations of drunk driving, one thing the police will often do is to give them a breath test or a blood test. This can show if they have alcohol in their system. Based on the level, the police can often determine if they were impaired or...
Can a domestic violence victim simply drop the charges?
In Florida, domestic violence is a serious offense. Domestic violence includes stalking, sexual assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment as well as any other offenses that result in the physical injury of a family member by another family member within the household. ...
Excuses that law enforcement may use to pull you over
Sometimes police officers will look for any reason to pull vehicles over. “You didn’t use your blinker.” “Your tire touched the white line.” The excuses are numerous, but it comes down to the law of large numbers. In order to meet traffic violation quotas, law...
Three things to do when facing domestic violence charges
Being accused of a criminal offense is always a frightening experience. But what if you have been falsely accused of domestic violence? Before you can figure out what to do, you may find you have been charged and convicted in the court of public opinion. When you are...
Will mixing vodka with Red Bull allow you to stay sober?
There is a dangerous trend among some Gen X-ers when it comes to drinking. Many believe that ordering a vodka-and-Red-Bull cocktail will allow them to get a buzz yet still remain relatively sober — and thus potentially able to drive home from the club. The reality,...